All I had to do was copy over the web pages and import the WordPress database. I was able to select a preconfigured server from Digital Ocean’s large list. The last project was to move my PHP domain. The only thing I’ve had to do is check the junk folder from time to time to whitelist some email advertisements that I like to at least see before deleting. All the troublesome generic emails with the virus were sent to my Junk folder my inbox was spam free. All the spam that SpamSieve was filtering out for me didn’t even make it to my email client. I changed my MX records to direct my email to Google and waited. After some house cleaning I was moved over. The hard part was narrowing done my 46 alias’ to 30, which is their limit. I also wouldn’t have to go to 100 or so web sites to change my addresses. The reason I got the paid one is that I wanted to use my own domain as the address. I have no need for the products at the moment, but it’s nice to know they are there.
#Spamsieve review full
It comes with a full office suite and cloud storage. My second choice was RackSpace, but according to reviews, their service is going down hill.

I choose Google Apps of which gmail is a part. A test would be to move to a new provider and then see if any other addresses started receiving spam.
#Spamsieve review mac
I doubt it’s a virus or bot on my Mac as they are rarely targets of hackers.

My move to HostGator could have been coincidental to improved methods of capturing email addresses in transit so I don’t know which it would be. There only seems to be two likely scenarios for the discovery of my email addresses: they are being captured in transit or HostGator has been hacked. I was afraid that all my addresses would eventually be found and sent to spam hell. To make it worse, this spam started comming in on email addresses I rarely use. It’s the attachment that contained a virus. The text of the message looks like a normal email. What finally did it for me was a new type of spam that SpamSieve couldn’t catch. After not emptying out my spam folder for a month or two because of a problem email, it had over 9,000 items in it. SpamSieve was well reviewed and caught almost all of it. My only choice was to run spam softare on my Mac. I tried using Spam Assasin that comes with the server. A day or two later, the spam started comming in on another address. After a few weeks, the spam started pouring in on one of my addresses. I received the same amount of spam as I did at GoDaddy. I have a large collection of email addresses that I distribute across the large number of web site I access. While I was at GoDaddy, I received very little spam, maybe one or two a week. Since Digital Ocean doesn’t have an email hosting service, I decided to leave my other site at HostGator to use their email services. It was a lot of work as I had to build the server from the base operating system, Ubuntu in my case. A droplet is a dedicated Virtual Private Server (VPS).
#Spamsieve review install
So I decided to install my Ruby site on a Digital Ocean droplet at $5 a month.

You can have any version you want on their dedicated servers, you just have to pay a lot more for it. When I took a closer look at their Ruby support, it turned out they ran a very old version that is no longer supported and they had no plans to upgrade. They also tried to help me move my email. They even helped me with setting up WordPress. Since there were a lot of positive reviews for the provider, I decided to move there. When I inquired at HostGator, I was told they did. The reason why I wanted to move was that GoDaddy doesn’t support Ruby. One is written in Ruby and the other has some PHP along with WordPress, which is also written in PHP.